The Lunch Club
As the name suggests The Lunch Club, which meets at 12.30pm every Wednesday at South Aston United Reformed Church, is a club where people of over 50years of age can meet together and have a cooked meal.
The club was established in 19?? as part of the Church's mission to serve the elderly in the district of South Aston. The club has gone from strength to strength and currently caters for around ?? people each Wednesday.
It goes without saying that the club is, like most organisations of its type, very reliant on those people who volunteer to undertake various activities in making the club run smoothly.
These volunteers are supervised by our full time 'Work with the Elderly' employee, Mr. Dave Kendrick. Dave also organises many other activities for this age group, including the Monday Outabout Club and the Local History Group. He can be contacted on 0121 327 6364.
The programme usually starts with a short Christian Service. All are welcome to share in this service but it is not compulsory.
As you will see from the attached pages we have many fun filled activities. But above all it is an opportunity to leave your four walls, not worry about what you are going to get yourself to eat for at least one day of the week and share other peoples' company. It's a win win situation (and you could win at bingo too!).
So if this sounds as if it is something too good to miss then "come on down" and share in the fellowship. You will be most welcome.
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As the name suggests The Lunch Club, which meets at 12.30pm every Wednesday at South Aston United Reformed Church, is a club where people of over 50years of age can meet together and have a cooked meal.
The club was established in 19?? as part of the Church's mission to serve the elderly in the district of South Aston. The club has gone from strength to strength and currently caters for around ?? people each Wednesday.
It goes without saying that the club is, like most organisations of its type, very reliant on those people who volunteer to undertake various activities in making the club run smoothly.
These volunteers are supervised by our full time 'Work with the Elderly' employee, Mr. Dave Kendrick. Dave also organises many other activities for this age group, including the Monday Outabout Club and the Local History Group. He can be contacted on 0121 327 6364.
The programme usually starts with a short Christian Service. All are welcome to share in this service but it is not compulsory.
As you will see from the attached pages we have many fun filled activities. But above all it is an opportunity to leave your four walls, not worry about what you are going to get yourself to eat for at least one day of the week and share other peoples' company. It's a win win situation (and you could win at bingo too!).
So if this sounds as if it is something too good to miss then "come on down" and share in the fellowship. You will be most welcome.
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