South Aston United Reformed Church
Upper Sutton Street, Aston, Birmingham, B6 5BN
Tel: 0121 327 6364
Email: [email protected]
'Worshipping Jesus Christ and serving the Community since 1973'
Welcome to our website. Its purpose is to share with you all the things that we are doing in the community of South Aston, Birmingham, in Jesus's name. Please click on the links for more information.
If you need to get in touch click here - Contact Page
Latest News
Sunday Worship - 11.00 am
Forthcoming preachers are listed below:
02 - Ann Tempest
9 - Bob Trotman
16 - Ann Tempest
23 - Margaret Marshall
02 - Ann Tempest
09 - Revd. Sally Willett
16 - Revd. Sally Willett
23 - Ann Tempest
30 - TBA
06 - Ann Tempest
13 - Revd. Sally Willett
17 - Maundy Thursday
18 - Good Friday
20 - Ann Tempest Easter Sunday
27 - Sue Bailey
Wednesday Welcome
Every Wednesday from 11.00 am to 3.00 pm - find out more (click)
Community Pantry
Every Thursday 9.30 am to 11.00 am - find out more (click)
Bible Study
Every Tuesday at 9.45 am by zoom and 7.30 pm at the Church - to find out more (click)
Prayer Fellowship - to find out more (click)
Room Hire - to find out more (click)
South Aston Church is committed to following Government Legislation and the United Reformed Church's 'Policy & Good Practice Guidelines'. This can be seen on request.
A Prayer for Aston
O God, Creator of all things, thank you for Aston.
Thank you for our homes, our people, our shops, our schools, our amenities, our factories, our offices.
May this always be a place of peace and Godliness.
Keep evil and violence from our homes and streets.
Bring relief to those who suffer loneliness, ill health, rejection or any other kind of distress.
Prosper everything that promotes neighbourliness, friendship and goodwill.
Watch over all who live and work here.
Strengthen family life and bring blessings on young and old alike.
We pray this through Jesus Christ.